

Ganz schön blöd, Zartbitter e.V. – Termine ganzes Jahr

Alles in Strömen- das Versprechen der Resonanz, Polar Publik, Wiederaufnahme Januar

STOP- du bist da und ich bin hier, Wolkenstein Theater für Kinder – Termine ganzes Jahr

FETTE KETTE, Wiederaufnahme Dettmold, April


Alles in Strömen- das Versprechen der Resonanz, Polar Publik, 10.12.2022

Die Magische Care:Maschine, Musiktheater Paradeiser Productions, 28.10.2022

STOP- Du bist da und ich bin hier, Wolkenstein Theater für Kinder, Premiere: 16.10.2022

female utilities, live at Tanztauschfestival Köln, Juni & August 2022 in various locations IS deutsche

Räuber im Dschihad – Wehr51, Wiederaufnahme 19.-22.05.2022 & 24., 25.05.2022, St. Gertrud Köln


female utilities, video version at Tanztauschfestival Köln, 22.-30.01.2021

IS deutsche Räuber im Dschihad – Wehr 51, Wiederaufnahme 15.-18.04.2021, St. Gertrud Köln

FETTE KETTE – tanzfuchs PRODUKTION, whenever we can perform again!

Hurly*Burly – workshops, DROSTE Festival Münster, Mai 2021

SALON CHAOSMAGIC – paradeiser productions, Köln/Bochum/Münster/Bielefeld


female utilities, 5 Tanzminiaturen by Wehr51- tanztausch.festival Köln, Premiere Jan 2020

Future X - Kimchibrot connection/ Sommerblut Festival Köln, Film-Premiere Mai 2020
Hurly*Burly - Paradeiser productions, Hörspiel/ Audioplay, online-Premiere Oct 2020

IS deutsche Räuber im Dschihad - Wehr51, WA 15.-18.10.2020, St. Gertrud Köln
- tanzfuchs PRODUKTION, Premiere: sometime in 2021


IS deutsche Räuber im Dschihad - Wehr51, St. Gertrud Köln, Premiere Novembre 2019

It's only a papermoon - Musiktheater, PARADEISER productions: Premiere Octobre 2019

January: becoming a member of PARADEISER productions; Ruth Schultz, Kai Niggemann, Sandra Reitmayer

Chance Tanz "Mut." - school project for acting and dancing

becoming a dance teacher at Theaterakademie Köln


eingeschränkt locker, Solo (dance/ performance) with Sandra Reitmayer (regie)- Theater der Keller, Köln - June 2018

Trinkhallentour Ruhr - improvisation in a Kiosk with 3 bassclarinettes "Die Verwechslung" - July 2018

Chance Tanz "Angst? Angst! Mut." - teaching project in Köln-Kalk

This year I've become a mother and took the time to spent every minute with my little daughter. 
That's why there is not much to show artistically in the year 2018.


becoming member of Barnes Crossing- Freiraum für Tanz/Performance/Kunst

Sommerblut Kulturfestival, Kontrolle by Gwendolin Lamping/ projek zukumpf - integrative production, Köln, Mai 2017

Improvisation Moers Kultur Recherche, John-Denis Renken - Juni 2017

several projects with kids, April till November 2017 - Chance Tanz / Kulturrucksack / 180° Drehung


several projects with kids from March till December 2016 - Chance Tanz  I  Kulturrucksack  I  180°Drehung

research with somebody.kollektiv - founded by SK Stiftung Köln

IPtanz Köln, von Schwärmen und Umschwärmten - african/korean/german dance production, premiere: 8th October 2016

IPtanz Köln, Me you we – dance-game for kids and teenagers - premiere 1st September 2016, Barnes Crossing, Köln → check for more performances in Nov.2016 & Feb 2017!

First Steps festival Krefeld - The deeper I go - piece by Banse & Ouwens, June 2016

January till July 2016 - Die Zirkusprinzessin, Deutsche Oper am Rhein: guest dancer & choreography assistant


IPtanz KölnWas übrig bleibt - premiere 30th Octobre 2015, Barnes Crossing; Köln

IPtanz, Silence - 12 hour slow motion performance, August 2015 in Krefeld and Köln, September & November (-->NEWS)

September 2014 - June 2015 and Oktober 2015 – July 2016: Deutsche Oper am Rhein: guest dancer and choreography assistant, Düsseldorf   :  Die Zirkusprinzessin - 
Premiere: 8th November 2014 and 13th November 2015 ( 

Banse & Ouwens, The deeper I go -dance production with Armin Biermann, Katrin Banse, Stefan Kirchhoff and Judith Ouwens, Pumpenhaus Münster; 
Premiere 13th July 2015 (14.06.2015 Münster, December 2015 Köln)Extraschicht 2015, solo and group performance at Jahrhunderthalle Bochum, 20th June 2015  

Trinkhallentour, performances in NRW with bassclarient quientett “Die Verwechslung”


OS - Objekt der Begierde piece by Katharina Sim about Objectophilia. Still a work in progess. Premiere will be in 2015/ 2016short excerpt at MAD Festival (May 2014) 
and fünfzehnminuten Festival (Jan 2015), Köln

Trinkhallentour, performances in NRW with bassclarinet quintett “Die Verwechslung”

Since February 2014: guest dancer at Oper Köln ("Samson&Dalila")


Erben dance theatre from MP2 Produktion Cologne, dancer and actor. Wachsfabrik Köln (2013/2014), Bielefeld, Herford 2014

Solo Solo13Sick piece about feeling sick inside. Essen/Bochum

Improvisation and performance at Extraschicht Bochum. June 2013

Nachtgestalten piece by Urs Dietrich, Neue Aula. Folkwang University

Trio Accounted dance duet with saxophone. Pina Bausch Theater and Maschinenhaus Essen 2013/2014 (Tim Cecatka, Florian Walter)


Duet Rewind with Katharina Klaßmann.

Performance circular angles piece by David Pollmann for 4 performers 1 musician and a 3x3 metres metal cube moving in space. 
Pina Bausch Theater, Tanzhaus NRW, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf (2012 – 2014)

Tanzabend piece by Leandro Kees, Neue Aula. Folkwang University

2007 - 2010

Me my apple and you piece by Felix Bürkle. Pina Bausch Theater, Essen.

member of Unicorn light performance group, Nadja Puttner. Wien